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Maria Elisabeth Torrealba (President) '25

“Connecting with like-minded individuals who are all about striving for greatness was a true privilage. The convention as a hub of inspiration, learning, and growth. Sharing this journey with my amazing ALPFA Baruch College board members and friends was a true highlight. Seeing them shine and flourish in their personal and professional endeavors was truly heartwarming. The workshops, career fairs, and various events were all enlightening, and I had the privelage of connecting with outstanding professionals."

Jessica Guillen '24

"This amazing convention has left a deep sense of inspiration within me. From insightful keynote speakers to engaging workshops/events and a career fair! I'm proud to have made new connections with hardworking individuals, expanded my knowledge, and leaving with opportunities waiting for me."

Kenneth Caicedo

“My very first experience at the ALPFA convention was great not only did I get the chance to network and learn from professionals I had fun while doing it. All professionals treated me like I was someone important, they treated me like I belonged, and being first gen, at times made me feel like I didn't. A constant flow of professional contact made me feel welcome both prior to and after interviews, and that is what this convention is all about. Its not just about landing your first job or new one, its also about enjoying it, forming new memories, and that is what I did.”
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